Entries in BP Oil Spill (8)


What a Wonderful World | BP Free Version | Scenes for the Gulf 

Produced by Jim Albritton | Scenes from the gulf coasts of Mississippi and Louisiana shot in early July, remembering the area as it was before the oil spill and hopefully will be again. There is an oily version, too ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhAhUc... ), that shows the effect of the BP oil spill on the area. The music is copyright 2006 Gold Star Records and is used with the permission of Pete Vallee and Star Entertainment Worldwide. To learn more about Pete/Big Elvis, go to http://bigelvis.biz.


What a Wonderful World | BP Oil Spill | Scenes from Mississippi & Louisiana 

Produced by Jim Albritton | Scenes from the BP oil spill in the gulf shot on the Mississippi coast and in Venice and Buras, Louisiana in early July. There is also a BP/oil free version ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aX6y-d... ) if you more in the mood to remember the coast as it was and hopefully will be again soon. The music is copyright 2006 Gold Star Records and is used with the permission of Pete Vallee and Star Entertainment Worldwide. To learn more about Pete/Big Elvis, go to http://bigelvis.biz.


Rock Doc Talks BP Oil Spill, Tests Absorption Products 

Produced by Jim Albritton | Former petroleum geologist Stan Galicki talks about the BP oil spill. The associate professor of geology at Millsaps College in Jackson, Mississippi also tests various booms and oil absorption devices and products for effectiveness. This is part one of a series of reports on how oil is formed, found and extracted.


Mississippians Respond to Oil Spill In the Air, at Sea and on Shore 

Produced by Jim Albritton | The Mississippi National Guard responds to the BP oil spill, observing and tracking the oil as it reaches the Mississippi Sound and the state's beaches in Gulfport, Biloxi and all along the coast of the magnolia state. This video includes interviews with Guardsmen at work and tourists on the beach in Gulfport. A good overview of the response effort on the Mississippi coast.



Newsocracy RAW | Mississippi Nat'l Guard | BP Oil Spill Scenes 

Produced by Jim Albritton | This 90 second video features 28 scenes of the Mississippi National Guard as they direct and coordinate oil spill clean up efforts on the Mississippi Gulf Coast.


Newsocracy RAW | Venice & Buras, Louisiana | BP Oil Spill Scenes 

Produced by Jim Albritton | A 60 second look at activity surrounding the BP oil spill in Venice and Buras, Louisiana.


Newsocracy RAW | Bay St. Louis, Mississippi | BP Oil Spill Scenes 

Produced by Jim Albritton | A 60 second look at the BP oil spill clean up in Bay St. Louis and Waveland, Mississippi on June 30, 2010. The clean up was hampered by the high waves and wind from Hurricane Alex on the Texas-Mexico border.


Newsocracy RAW | Gulfport, Mississippi | BP Oil Spill Scenes 

Produced by Jim Albritton | A 60 second look at the BP oil spill clean up in Gulfport, Mississippi on July 1, 2010.