NYC | Empire State of Mind

Produced by Jim Albritton | Celebrating all-things New York City with Alicia Keys' Empire State of Mind on the 11th anniversary on 911.

YOUR STORY | But You Have to Suggest it First
Produced by Jim Albritton | Celebrating all-things New York City with Alicia Keys' Empire State of Mind on the 11th anniversary on 911.
Produced by Jim Albritton | Just days before the opening ceremony of the 2012 Summer Olympics, here are some scenes of London, England set to One Republic's song, Good Life.
Produced by Jim Albritton | With performances from Memphis to New Orleans, Southern Halo—a sister trio from Cleveland, Mississippi—is getting rave reviews, not just for their talent, but for their charity, too.
Produced by Jim Albritton | A fast look at the streets of San Francisco.
Produced by Jim Albritton | A fast look at a few hundred reason why the saints went marching in to America's coolest city.
Produced by Jim Albritton | Nominated for five Country Music Association Awards, The Band Perry, visited sick and injured kids at the Blair E. Batson Hospital for Children at the University of Mississippi Medical Center. The sibling trio--Kimberly, Reid and Neil Perry--were born in Ridgeland, Mississippi and their father, Dr. Steve Perry, was a pediatric resident at UMMC. Together they toured Batson Children's Hospital while in Jackson to perform at the Mississippi State Fair.
Produced by Jim Albritton | Mississippian Brad Arnold of 3 Doors Down called into the Mississippi Miracles Radiothon and spoke to Y101.7 DJ Nate West about the importance of the Blair E. Batson Hospital for Children in Jackson. He toured the hospital and met numerous patients on March 15, 2004. This video contains photos of that visit and video of the radiothon in the lobby of the state's only children's hospital. | To learn more, go to the Blair E. Batson Hospital for Children or visit the Batson Hospital on Facebook.