Entries in Hockey (2)


Outdoor Rink Thrills Mississippi Hockey Players 

Produced by Jim Albritton | A group of former pro hockey players, northern transplants and a surprisingly large number of homegrown players, used the skating rink at Baptist Heath Systems' Christmas on Ice event for a few all-too-rare hockey games in Madison, Mississippi. There are no permanent rinks in central Mississippi. Many of these players drive to Olive Branch in north Mississippi or Biloxi on the coast for a chance to practice or play on ice. 


Photos | Temporary Ice Rink Thrills Central Mississippi Hockey Players

The skating rink at "Christmas on Ice" in Madison is the best present a group of central Mississippi hockey players could receive. The group, made up of former pro players, northern transplants and a surprisingly large number of homegrown players, used the rink at the Baptist Heath Systems event during off hours for practice and numerous games. Many of these players drive to Olive Branch in north Mississippi or Biloxi on the coast for a chance to practice or play on ice. There are no permanent ice rinks in central Mississippi.

Go to our Facebook Photo Gallery to see photos of hockey players on the rink at Chrismas on Ice in Madison, Mississippi. Click here to see all our photo albums.

A video news story about the players is coming soon to Newsocracy. 

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