Mele Kalikimaka or Merry Christmas From Hawaii | 2011

Produced by Jim Albritton | Mele Kalikimaka or Merry Christmas from the Aloha State. Enjoy the sights of Hawaii and the Bing Crosby classic song that celebrates Christmas in the Five-O state.

YOUR STORY | But You Have to Suggest it First
Produced by Jim Albritton | Mele Kalikimaka or Merry Christmas from the Aloha State. Enjoy the sights of Hawaii and the Bing Crosby classic song that celebrates Christmas in the Five-O state.
Produced by Jim Albritton | Seventy years after the attack, the historic sites at Pearl Harbor continue to be Hawaii's number-one tourist attraction. Today, visitors from all over the world go there to remember and honor those who died in the surprise attack prompted America's entry into World War II. And often Pearl Harbor survivors are there to greet them.
Produced by Jim Albritton | The Hawaiian Islands are the dream destination for millions around the world. From Honolulu's world-famous Waikiki Beach to the Big Island's active volcanoes, they offer breath-taking beauty, from seashore to mountain top and seemingly everywhere in between. Most tourists find it hard to leave Hawaii, and for some, the vacation never ends.
View photos of Honolulu and Waikiki Beach in our Facebook album.
See photos of Sunset at Waimea in our Facebook album.
See photos of Hawaii Volcanoes National Park in our Facebook album.
See photos of Pearl Harbor in our Facebook album.
See our photos of sunset at Waikiki Beach in our Facebook album.
See all our Hawaiian video and stories in our Hawaii Y'all section.
Produced by Jim Albritton | The Hawaiian Islands are the dream destination for millions around the world. From Honolulu's world-famous Waikiki Beach to the Big Island's active volcanoes, they offer breath-taking beauty, from sea shore to mountain top and seemingly everywhere in between. Most tourists find it hard to leave Hawaii, and for some, the vacation never ends. Watch for more stories and video from Hawaii coming soon to Newsocracy.