Entries in Rooster's (3)


The Story of Rooster's | Celebrating 35 Years in Jackson

Rooster's, a mainstay in Fondren for 16 years, celebrates its 35th anniversary in metro Jackson. The popular burger and chicken restaurant opened on Roach Street in downtown Jackson in 1984, the year Wendy's launched its "Where's the Beef" commercials. Rooster's new mesquite burgers were a crowd pleaser at a time when beef was king. Tim and Nathan Glenn tell the Rooster's story in this video. | http://glennfoods.com


Bread Making 101 at Basil's Renaissance

What makes Basil's taste so good? It's the fresh focaccia bread made daily. Nathan Glenn shows how it's done at Basil's Renaissance in Ridgeland, Mississippi. 


Big Eater Mike Takes Rooster's Stupid Burger Challenge

For Big Eater Mike, the Stupid Burger Challenge at Rooster's in Jackson, Mississippi's Fondren neighborhood is made to order. The super sized meal includes Rooster's signature burger, two orders of fires and a banana pudding chaser. It costs $50 to enter and requires a 24-hour notice. If the entire five pound meal--burger and fries--is eaten in 30 minutes without a break, it's free and the challenger receives a $50 gift card. Call Rooster's at 601-982-2001 for more information or to set up the challenge. The massive five pound burger is also great for parties.